Welcome to What the Hills??!! Check out what I've got and see if you like!!!
Updated : Sunday, Dec 31, 2000 : The guys' new website will be all ready by the 2nd week of January. Click here for that.
Welcome, guys and gals, to my nice little website! The topic: The Iroquois Stealth Pilots (formerly known as The Shad Hills Band). Who are they? Well, They are the brothers Shad and Shane Hills, as well as two other rather disturbing characters who make us call them Tevor Zimmerman and umm..some other guy named Luis. My main reason
for starting this page is that the guys are real kick-arse people
who really care about the fans. 'Tis a rare occasion when a band actually gives a rats arse (or at least acts like it heheheh). [**No, I'm not British. Well, I'm part British (like .00004%), but not as much as I am Italian and Irish...I do enjoy speaking like a Limey, though. Bloody roight, I dew!]
Look at what I've got, and see if you like. Hopefully you shall like it,
but if you don't, I'll understand.
Questions or comments? Have a Shad Hills Band site that you want me to link
to? E-mail me at either
skybar80@juno.com or at
To Subscribe to their snail-mailing list, e-mail Zenaida at
zzzzenaida@aol.comand ask her what
info you need to give her to join, because I forget!
This website is ©1999 Ken A., except for anything written by Shane,
Shad or anyone else! and must not be copied without expressed written consent!!!!
The Shanester is endorsed by :
Sabian Cymbals
Promark Drumsticks
Attack Drumheads (no link on the internet found as of yet.)
A & R Records The band's label
Page established Jan 16, 1999. This page visited
[fill in number of choice here, cuz the counter i used to have suddenly disappeared]times.
This SHB Fans Webring site is owned by Ken A.
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