Erin B. and Mitz's page Sign the fun little SlamBook ( a really funny way to goof off a little) and look at all the other wacky stuff!
Laura's Page Come on over here...Adopt a Shane! Look at the funny animated puppy!
Official SHB Site C'mon over and see just how much our boys give a rat's backside about us, the fans! Great ite with great graphics...just great all-around, m'man!
Meegie's Page C'mon over and stuff your mouth with petroleum jelly! It's fun! Ok,'s just the title of the site. No Vaseline-eating here.
Maureen's Page(Under Construction)
Christina's Page A nice little page from aonother of my fellow SHB supporters!
AJ's PageUnder Construction
Erin's Shad Hills Fan CLub on Yahoo! (Please join, ok? It's a nice little place!)
Rach's Page Ah, my good pal Rach. Longtime friend! We go back to the days when we liked a certain band whose name may or may not have something to do with frogs.
Linz's Page Ah, Webmistress L cracks the cyber whip and commands us to enter her world of SHB stuff/
Deb's Page A very nice page which includes a section in which you can suggest titles for SHB's upcoming album. Won the May 1999 SHB Website of the Month Award.
Kim's Page Head on down Kim's SHb highway. Just don't drink and drive, k? No road rage either.
Welcome to Nickyland!!!!!!!!!! Next stop, Nickyland! The happiest place in the Western Hemisphere!
Morgan's Page Become an astronomer and look at the shiny stars!
Brittany and Kelsey's Page C'mon and get down with your bad self! Check out the hilarious animated icon on this page!
Quack me is a hilarious website with a lot of fun/funny stuff, straight from the mind of one of my fellow goofballs, Caroline :)
Chalkhills : Check this site out for info on my fav band on earth, XTC!
You're Pretty : Check out these guys, k? Very unique sound, unlike anything I've ever heard before. Very cool stuff. (I'm buying that album as soon as I get my money together!)